20-21 EN5117: Dissertation (Creative Writing)
EN5117: Dissertation on Practice:
Aims and objectives: The principle aim of the Dissertation on Practice is to enable students to demonstrate their ability to reflect critically and theoretically on their own practice and to locate their practice in relation to contemporary writing practices. Students will be encouraged to engage with the relevant critical / historical / theoretical contexts for the work produced in EN5113. They should draw on and develop skills acquired in the first two terms. Work should be presented in accordance with the academic conventions of essay writing and follow the MHRA style guide (See Postgraduate Taught handbook).
Aims and objectives: The principle aim of the Dissertation on Practice is to enable students to demonstrate their ability to reflect critically and theoretically on their own practice and to locate their practice in relation to contemporary writing practices. Students will be encouraged to engage with the relevant critical / historical / theoretical contexts for the work produced in EN5113. They should draw on and develop skills acquired in the first two terms. Work should be presented in accordance with the academic conventions of essay writing and follow the MHRA style guide (See Postgraduate Taught handbook).
Teacher (Course Author): Karina Lickorish Quinn