20-21 CL3737: Further Aspects of Modern Greek Language and Culture

This course places emphasis on introducing students to many aspects of Modern Greek language, literature, history, culture and contemporary life of Modern Greeks. Topics such as the Greek war of Independence and European Romanticism, the poetry of Dionysios Solomos and the ideal of freedom, the Greek Civil war in modern Greek poetry and cinema, the Junta of 1967, the Greek Diaspora are discussed in class. This course also discusses aspects of continuity in Greek language and culture by looking at the classical past in Modern Greek language and culture (students can find as a file the list of all topics in the Moodle page under the rubric Topics).

The course aims at demonstrating the continuity of the Greek language and culture. Therefore students can enhance their knowledge of Ancient Greek; understand the concept of Reception studies; broaden their knowledge of European History since Modern Greek history is part of European history.