20-21 DT3105: Advanced Option Race Relations in Theatre Film and Television

Welcome all 

I'm looking forward very much to teaching you all on Race Relations in Theatre Film and Television. What a year to be doing this course with debates about race, racism, Black Lives Matter, and the legacies of history at the forefront of public discourse right now. This course is designed to introduce you to how race is talked about and represented in a wide range of theatre, film and television programmes. I've focused the course on some of the 'classics' and the idea is that you will get a taster of different genres and themes, which you can develop for your own research projects. 

This work reflects my interests in race and the politics of representation. Although my main research focus is on plays and theatre, I watch a lot of films and television for pleasure and am interested in how they are used to explore these important concerns. 

This course is being taught online this year with sessions meeting on Tuesday mornings throughout the term on MS Teams. 

Do familiarise yourselves with the information on this Moodle page and start watching some of the required films and doing the required readings. 

I look forward to seeing you in September. 
