20-21 DT3500/DT3501: English/Drama Research Seminar
Welcome to
DT3500 & 3501 the Drama English Seminar!
We're very happy to be teaching this course this year. DT 3500 develops the exploration begun in
EN 2500 Shakespeare: Page to Stage of the productive relationship between English
and Drama. Together we will be reading plays, novels and poetry, watching
performances, discussing our responses, scrutinising scholarly writings, and creating
new works, whether they be research projects, creative texts or performances. Within
the class we may well have a wide range of attitudes and approaches to navigate
and explore. We will also be bearing in mind, and responding to, the latest developments in relation
to COVID 19.
Early in the course, you will opt either for DT3500 or for DT3501 depending on whether you want to work on a research dissertation project or whether you want to work towards an assessed performance.
In the first half of the autumn term, we will examine a range of approaches to relationships, connections and divisions between theatre, performance and literature. In the second half of term, the focus will be on research presentation on topics of your choosing. Throughout the term, we will explore drama, theatre and literature both critically (through discussion, presentations, and essay writing), and creatively.
Please keep in touch and let me know if you have any thoughts, ideas, or
questions. We'd particularly love to hear suggestions about texts to add to
reading lists and performances that would be worth us all looking at! We hope
you enjoy the course and find it useful.
Liz Schafer and Prue Bussey-Chamberlain