20-21 DT2203: Theatre & Text 2: Decoding debbie tucker green

Welcome all.

I'm very happy to be teaching you all on Decoding debbie tucker green this year. You will remember encountering her in your first year Theatre and Text 1 course and this course builds on the work that we did there.

debbie tucker green is one of the most exciting Black British playwrights to emerge in the early 2000s and she has built a body of work and criticism so quickly that an entire course dedicated to her work becomes possible. Quite a substantial part of my research on Black British playwriting over the past ten years or so has been writing about debbie tucker green and you will encounter some of my articles on her work during the course. We'll be looking at her work as a Black woman playwright and a political playwright and making connections to the wider field of Black and feminist playwriting.

This year, the course will be taught through a combination of face to face teaching (on Tuesday afternoons) and an online sessions (on Thursday mornings). This is new to all of us and I'll be trying to design the sessions to maximise opportunities for practice on Tuesday afternoons and some online practice on Thursday mornings.

Please buy the debbie tucker green book of plays - Plays One. It's a nice edition to have and will make the practical work easier in the class than working from screen copies. In the meantime the plays are all available on Drama Online to start reading while you're waiting for your copy of the book to arrive.

I look forward to seeing you in September.
