20-21 HS5131: Genocide: Comparative Approaches
Course leader: Dr. Becky Jinks
International Building 122
Profile: https://royalholloway.ac.uk/research-and-teaching/departments-and-schools/history/about-us/our-staff/rebecca-jinks/
Office hours: TBC
Or by appointment - please email.
The course will be taught via weekly seminars in Term 2. The seminars will be held on
Assessment: 5,000-word essay, due 5 May 2021. In the spirit of the course, the essay should be comparative in some way.
International Building 122
Profile: https://royalholloway.ac.uk/research-and-teaching/departments-and-schools/history/about-us/our-staff/rebecca-jinks/
Office hours: TBC
Or by appointment - please email.
The course will be taught via weekly seminars in Term 2. The seminars will be held on
Assessment: 5,000-word essay, due 5 May 2021. In the spirit of the course, the essay should be comparative in some way.