20-21 LL3005: Medical Law

This course will be delivered online only. 


 Autumn Term and Spring Term

The course convenor and tutor is Dr Rita D'Alton-Harrison. If you have any questions about the course overall or the lectures or seminars, then please contact Dr Rita D'Alton-Harrison via email: Rita.Dalton-Harrison@rhul.ac.uk.

 Alternatively, you can contact her during her office consultation hours (via Microsoft Teams): 

Spring Term Office Hours

 Mondays - 11am - 12pm (except Monday 22nd March when it is 4.00pm - 5.00pm)  Join by following this link here 

 or Thursdays - 10.00am - 11.00am Join by following this link here  

 All lectures and seminars will be taken by Dr Rita D'Alton-Harrison. Rita is a qualified solicitor who practised for ten years before becoming an academic. Rita has been in higher education for some 20 years and has taught on undergraduate and postgraduate courses including legal professional courses. Rita has a range of specialisms including medical law. For further information on Rita's teaching and research profile follow this link here