20-21 PR3910: The Politics of Russia and Eastern Europe

The Politics of Russia and Eastern Europe covers key developments and topics in the politics of the post-communist region. Students are not required to have prior knowledge of the region to excel in this course

This course is made of 10 weekly sessions. Each session is split in two (2 hours in the morning and 1 in the afternoon) in a mix of online and in-person activities, depending on circumstances. The key elements of each weekly session will be: the Lecture, the Newsroom, the online weekly Forum, and the Discussion Group. You will be told in advance how each week's activities are going to take place. The priority will always be to keep everybody safe while they engage with their learning, so you can expect some variation in the structure and delivery of the sessions week by week.

You are expected to read ALL the essential readings before the weekly session and discuss them in the weekly Forum. Each week, the Talis Reading List will also include additional readings and links under “to know more”. You are not required to read those, but do look at their titles to see if anything strikes your fancy! Additional readings are for you to go deeper into some topics, read more about your Newsroom country, and find good sources for your coursework.