20-21 ML1203: Reading Texts: Criticism for Comparative Literature

In this course, you will be introduced to the theory and practice of comparative textual analysis and will begin to think about the history and practice of comparative literature in a transnational context. Using extracts from a variety of historically, geographically, culturally, and stylistically diverse texts, we will ask questions such as: How should we read? Which texts are worth reading? What is an author? How can we compare texts from different periods and cultures? What are the difficulties raised by reading texts in translation? What is genre and does it help or hinder our reading? Critical and literary extracts will be drawn from a wide variety of sources so that students will develop a capacity for comparative literary appreciation by identifying, reflecting on, comparing, and contrasting the strategies used across a range of genres, cultures, and time periods. All passages from non-English-language works will be given in translation.