20-21 SG1008: Sociology - Autumn Term
IFY Sociology 2020/21: September Cohort
Welcome to the Sociology Moodle Page for September 2020/21:
Why study Sociology?
The students studying this module come from different parts of the globe and belong to diverse sociological categories (gender, ethnicity, social class, religion, sexuality and so forth). This is a rich sociological environment for studying sociology.
Sociology helps us to understand ourselves as individuals and as members of social groups. The learning in this module focuses on the social forces that shape our identities and actions, both individually and collectively. At the same, it enables us to acquire the critical thinking and skills that we need to take a more active role in creating better societies that promote our own and others' flourishing and well-being.
To find the material for each week's learning, click on the relevant tile on this Sociology Moodle page and you will see all the class materials, homework information, independent study tasks, and assessment information that you need for this module.
If you have any general module queries, have trouble competing/uploading your assignment, or just want to discuss your progress, please contact Dr Jean-Baptiste de Vaulx, your Sociology Module tutor at jean-baptiste.devaulx@rhul.ac.uk
If you need specific English writing help, please attend the AES writing workshop as well as the Language Support Drop-in clinic. For more information contact Christopher Storrs-Fox, head of English, at christopher.storrs-fox@rhul.ac.uk or your AES tutors.