21-02 MN3496K: Clusters, Small Business & International Entrepreneurship

The course is an important opportunity to meet and listen to individuals engaging in entrepreneurship leading small business, family business and new startups.  They will provide you with invaluable insights into their business, their motivation to become entrepreneurs, their management style, and how they deal with their competitors. They will also offer insights into their careers and experience. Generally, you will have the chance to ask questions about their business and professional life in general. The guest speaker's sessions is also related to your individual assignment. So please attend the online sessions.  

This year, 2020-21, is different for the course as much else, and we need to engage more online. It'll be a new experience introducing our guests through modern technology for us as well as yourself.

In addition to guest contributions, the teaching will be based on the importance and relevance of SMEs in the Economies through recorded presentations, online workshops, and on-campus classes.

 The course begins by asking a number of very important questions:

  • How family business operate and become successful enterprises?
  • How and why clusters are relevant for supporting Industries and different types of networks?  
  • How SMEs and family firms can become internationally competitive? 
  • Are the demographic, social and cultural context of business: migration and entrepreneurship relevant, relevant when studying SMEs and entrepreneurship? Why?
  •  How important are emerging markets for SMEs? Are there any opportunities?   

We hope you will enjoy this course like many other students from across the globe. This course has motivated many students to acquire and develop their entrepreneurship skills as well as internationalizing and developing SMEs and family businesses. Some successful stories will be shared in class.